Our Team

Ecotep team embraces people that represent the company and work for its development. We never stop learning and analyzing our target audience. We strive for our customers to not only get a printing materials supplier, but a reliable helpmate able to understand the nature of typography and offer a professional all-out assistance.

Volodymyr Bosyk, CEO

“Our team of managers is the main company asset. We react immediately to any changes at the market, analyze the trends and follow the tendencies, but what is the most important – all of the managers are result-oriented. Each representative of the Ecotep team will listen to you carefully, take into account all your preferences and surely help to make the right choice.

Our top idea is to get clear understanding of your needs and offer the very item you expect to get!”

Get to know us better!

Alexis Gurvits,
Deputy Director of Administration,
Foreign Supplies Manager
e-mail: mail@ecotep.com.ua
Mobile: +38 050 433 06 08
Vitaliy Sagaydak,
UV Flexoinks and Varnishes
e-mail: v.sagaidak@ecotep.com.ua
Marina Vashurina,
CTP Plates and Laminating Films
e-mail: kharkiv@ecotep.com.ua
Yaroslav Zakharko,
Сhemicals and Digital Laminating Film
e-mail: s.zaharko@ecotep.com.ua
Vladyslav Tyshchenko,
Inks and Varnishes

e-mail: v.tyshchenko@ecotep.com.ua
Oleksiy Kovalskyy,
e-mail: o.kovalskyi@ecotep.com.ua
Tanya Valevska,
Hot and Cold Stamping Foil
e-mail: t.valevska@ecotep.com.ua